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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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The ODYSIUM Academy

What is the Odysium Academy?


The Academy is Odysium’s “amateur” (non-professional) sports coaching section. We offer young talents the benefit of a high-level framework to help them achieve their goals. Learning the basics at an early age will help them avoid problems in their future careers, which is why the young talents we support at Odysium have such good results in the short, medium and long term. Indeed, we note that almost all the professional athletes who come to Odysium have huge shortcomings in many areas. Most of them have even developed pathologies linked to this gap in their training, which on paper is of the highest quality…

Who is it


If you’re a young talent 12 years old or older, and you’d like to do everything in your power to achieve your goals, Odysium is here to help.
Odysium offers you professional physical preparation and technical development services for high-quality follow-up. Our staff offer personalized health and lifestyle advice to optimize the effect of your training and prepare you for the professional world. With Odysium, you’ll have access to top-quality staff and facilities that will be perfect to complete the follow-up of a club or training center.

If you want something you never had, do something you never did.

Thomas Jefferson

Obstacles are the things you see when you lose sight of the goal.

Henry Ford

There is more courage than talent in most successes.

Félix Leclerc

Some want it to happen. Others would like it to happen. And others make it happen.

Michael Jordan

We all love to win but how many love to train?

Mark Spitz

Our services

For an optimal youth preparation


Training 4x/week during school terms + Training 4x/week during school vacations.

After having undergone a medical check-up with our practitioners in the Paris region, our team offers you an in-person sports follow-up with :

  • 4 x 2 hours training sessions on any half-day of the week
  • 5 training sessions of 2 hours per week in our facilities during school vacations
  • 1 personalized program is provided so that you can carry out small sessions at home on other days of the week, in which you are autonomous.

The programs include all the information you need, as well as access to our video database, so that you can have technical support with you.

In addition, our coaches are available 7/7 to answer your questions and give you feedback on your questions or training videos.


Training 5x/week during the 16 week school vacations + Strengthening/relaxation/mobility program for school periods After a medical check-up with our practitioners in Paris, a physical check-up and a technical training in our facilities, our team offers you :
  • 5 training sessions of 2 hours per week in our facilities during school vacations
  • 1 personalized program is provided so that you can carry out small sessions at home on other days of the week, in which you are autonomous.
The programs include all the information you need, as well as access to our video database, so that you can have technical support with you. In addition, our coaches are available 7/7 to answer your questions and give you feedback on your questions or training videos.

Why choose Odysium
to develop your professional future


Learning the real high level

Our team is made up entirely of highly competent staff with a real understanding of the top level and its requirements.

We cover 100% of the needs of non-club athletes, from physical preparation to technical improvement and medical follow-up.

The values we inculcate

The academy exists to help talented young people who want to make a living from their passion. To do this, our team ensures that young talent progresses not only in sporting terms, but also in human terms.

In Western society, certain values are being lost. This change in mentality has a huge impact on the younger generation’s ability to realize the level of effort required to succeed (in any project). It’s important to us to teach and nurture these values in talented young people, so that they don’t miss out on their dream because of a society that only advocates easy success…

Our facilities

Our top-of-the-range facilities enable us to respond to any request with the highest possible quality. (see our facilities)


Before following the next steps, please contact our team via the contact form. An appointment will be proposed to you in order to discuss your project and to complete the formalities. An email will be sent to you with your login details in order to use the Odysium app.
Step 1

After contacting our team, click on the link.

Step 2

Click on "connect".

Step 3

Enter your login details

Step 4

That's it, you can use the app